- Read Everything's An Argument, pages 3 - 37
- Create an outline based on the blue headings - What is the main idea? 1 or 2 important details?
November 7, 2011
- This article talks about how the importance of mannerism in the southern U.S. has declined, or even been compeletly extinguished. The author provides an example of this with an incodent that included to black patrons at a bar who sued the owner for thinking that the bar was catering to whites only because the bartender asked the two men to lend their seats to two other ladies who happened to be white.
This is supported by many factors, as in the influx of immigration to south, both foriegn and from the north, causing social changes in the south; also, the author noted that even northeners that newly migrate to the south say that they don't want their children to learn the terms "yes sir", or "yes ma'am", beacause it is quote, "too demeaning".